all about me

          Hello, it’s me. I want to introduce myself. I am Vira Yuniar, you can call me Vira. I was born in Bandung, 4th june 2001. So, this year i 16th years old. Now, I live in Binong street with my parents. There are 5 persons in my family. There is my dad, my mom, and two little sister.

            I was a students of  Karang Pawulang elementary school, my parents register me there because  the distance between my home and school is not too far.During my elementry school i joined extracurricular traditional dance. At the time of my 5th grade I want to be a students at SMPN 2 Bandung,  because  it’s a favorite junior high school in Bandung. Alhamdulillah in 2014 after I graduated, finally i’m be students at SMPN 2 Bandung. there I get many new friends, But the worst experience when i junior high school was my grandmother passed away. Now, I’am studying at SMAN 3 Bandung.

            My hoby is listening music, because all of my family is like to listening music. But no one of us can sing. We think listening to music can express feelings.My daily activities is to be a students, i school from monday to friday, but at home, my parents do not push me to learn. So, i can relax to play hp, watching tv, and others. But, i still realize my duty as a student is learning, So, after praying maghrib i always do homework and read a little material for tomorrow.


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